Upcoming Events
We are currently accepting invitations from individual counselling agencies to do Level I seminars at their facilities. Eight participants are needed to proceed with a Level I seminar.
Welcome to Sight Psychology
Home of Observed & Experiential Integration (OEI)
OEI is a trauma therapy that has been discovered and developed by Audrey Cook and Rick Bradshaw since 1994-5. There are five sets of techniques that can be learned via two levels of training: (a) a 14-hour weekend intensive (Level I), followed by (b) 10 hours of individual supervision (Level II).

Audrey Cook
is a marriage and family therapist, with an academic background in Criminology. Her interest was in sexual offences and deviance, stress management and burnout prevention. She worked in Adult Education for Family Services in B.C. and for a number of local colleges. For the past twenty years, she has worked in her therapy practice, which combines family work and intensive trauma work. Her clients are typically Aboriginal Canadians and she works extensively with multigenerational trauma.
Dr. Rick Bradshaw
received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University. Until 1998 he had been employed for 10 years as the Senior Psychologist & Director of Training in the Counselling Service of Simon Fraser University. He left SFU to work for three years as a consulting psychologist with Wilson Banwell Corporate Health Consultants. For two years Dr. Bradshaw served as Clinical Manager in the Swingle Clinic in Vancouver BC, practicing psychoneurophysiology and trauma therapy. He is now retired from his most recent academic position.